EVSi kevadseminar (13.03.2020)

Korraldame seekordse EVS Kevadseminari koostöös IVSA Eestiga.

Asukoht: Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwaldi 1a, Tartu, Tartumaa

Seekord on lektoriks Philippa Welsh BVSc(Hons) GP Cert(FelP) PGCert(Vet Ed) MRCVS (Ühendkuningriigid), kes räägib meile vaimsest tervisest, läbi põlemisest, eutanaasiast ja patsiendi äkksurmaga hakkama saamisest ning sellest kuidas end hoida. Lektori tutvustuse leiad ürituse kirjelduse lõpust.

Seminar on mõeldud kõigile loomaarstidele, loomaarsti abilistele, loomaarsti tudengitele ning loomaarsti abilise õpilastele.

Üritus on inglise keeles*!  Täpsemad loengute teemad avalikustame juba varsti!



Seminar EVS/ELÜ liikmele 50€ (al. 1.03 (k.a) 65€)
Seminar mitte- liikmele 75€ (al. 1.03 (k.a) 90€)
Seminar loomaarsti abilistele 40€ (al. 1.03 55€)
Seminar tudengitele ja abilise õpilastele 20€ (al. 1.03 30€)

Registreeri end juba täna: https://forms.gle/AZG4rg9RmAneJU1v5

Palume kõigil osalejatel parkida EMÜ Spordihoone või Metsamaja parklasse!


This years Spring Semianar is Organized with IVSA Estonia.

This year our lecturer is Philippa Welsh BVSc(Hons) GP Cert(FelP) PGCert(Vet Ed) MRCVS (United Kingdom) who will be talking about stress, burn out, coping with euthanasia and sudden death and how to find a way to wellbeing. Dr Welsh’es introduction can be found below.
Lectures will be in English, except the last one which will be held in Estonian and is for Estonian Veterinarians. Lecturer will be from Agency of Medicine.

For Veterinarians 75€ [90€ from 1.03 (incl)]
For Vet nurses and technicians 40€ [55€ from 1.03 (incl)]
For Vet students and Nurse students 20€ [30€ from 1.03 (incl)]

Register yourself today: https://forms.gle/V6U8NXspTCQDWrKB7

The exact lecture topics will be revealed soon!

We kindly ask all the participants to park their car to the Forest Buildings or Sports Buildings parking lot!

👩🏻‍⚕️ Philippa Welsh BVSc(Hons) GP Cert(FelP) PGCert(Vet Ed) MRCVS

After graduating in 2005, I have worked as a vet in first opinion and referral small animal practice. I am a self-confessed education addict! After doing a General Practitioner’s Certificate in Feline Practice, I returned to academia in 2011 as Pfizer Feline Fellow and then as a Senior Clinical Training Scholar (resident) in Feline Medicine. I experienced ‘burn out’ in 2014 – requiring a break from the profession for six months. This was a challenging and truly transformative period for me, and one which has inspired my career development over the last 5 years. I competed a certificate in Veterinary Education in 2015 and I now dedicate much of my time committed to supporting others in getting the most out of their veterinary careers – as well as continuing to enjoy the profession myself, too.

I have a varied and busy professional life: I run my own small business (Vetamorphosis) offering small group facilitation and training in small animal medicine and vet professional well-being topics. I work for the BSAVA (British Small Animal Veterinary Association) education department on the Master’s in Clinical Veterinary Education. I am a tutor and lecturer for University of Edinburgh International Animal Welfare Ethics and Law Master’s degree. I am a Mentor to graduate vets at all stages of their veterinary careers. I am a volunteer listener for Vetlife, a fantastic UK charity dedicated to supporting veterinary professionals via email and a telephone Helpline. I am in my second of four years of training for a Diploma in Humanistic and Integrative Counselling and as part of this, am a volunteer counsellor for a local charity. Life is certainly full, but also fulfilling!
It is a pleasure to be supporting another project dedicated to enhancing veterinary well-being.

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